10) "I want to play hide and seek with Votto."
9) "Sing Twinkle Twinkle, one more time."(By 1 more, he means 10 more)
8) Mr. Sun is still awake. (A Summertime only excuse)
7) "I need to talk to Mommy." (or daddy, depending on who is putting him down)
6) "I don't want to go to sleep." (my favorite)
5) "I have to follow the directions." (Neither Emily nor I knows what this means)
4) "I needs to work on something downstairs."
3) "More water, please."
2) "I needs my sword." (or baseball bat, or truck, or airplane...whatever toy is not in the bed)
And now for the #1 excuse Tom uses not to go to bed.........
1) "I have a poopy in my diaper." (I swear the kid saves his pooping just for bed time.