I apologize that the blog has not been updated as much this month. I think it is safe to say that this last month has been one Emily, Tom and I would like to forget. Sick baby, sick mom, sick dad, a lying/stealing contractor, no Bengals' wins, and a few other things have made October '08 one for the books.
Hopefully tomorrow makes it all worth while. Our little guy will be celebrating his first birthday and we are excited. There are still a ton of things we have to get together, but we are ready. Tom seems to be feeling better (he literally was sick all last week), I'm sure some birthday cake will make him even happier.
So, my first post in November promises to be more entertaining and (I'm guessing) a lot more upbeat than this one. Watch for the pictures and maybe a video from Tom's party. (It's like the coming attractions at the movies)
10 years ago